Anzac Slice

Anzac Slice

1. Cream butter and sugar until light and creamy and add the egg, beating well to combine. Add the flours and stir until the flours have been incorporated.

2. Press this filling into a 7 inches. greased square tin and prick all over with a fork. Bake at 400f. for 10 minutes. Remove the cake tin from the oven and spread the jam over the pastry.

3. In a bowl, mix the sugar, butter and egg yolks together until thick. Beat the egg whites separately until firm peaks form and fold into the thick batter.

4. Add the coconut, rolled oats, peanuts and corn flakes and stir gently.

5. Spoon the topping over the pastry base and spread to smooth the topping.

6. Reduce the heat of the oven to 375. and return the pan to the oven for 30 minutes more. Allow to cool slightly then cut into fingers. When thoroughly cold, remove from the tin.


