Apple And Date Balls

Apple And Date Balls

1. Halve and core the unpeeled fruit and place in a large, heavy saucepan.

2. Caste iron is good.

3. Add the dates, apple juice and ground cinnamon.

4. Cook over very low heat, stirring occasionally for 4 to 6 hours, or until the mixture forms a dry paste.

5. Scrape into a bowl and cool, then roll the mixture into bite size balls.

6. Toast the nuts under the broiler until golden.

7. Coat the balls in the nuts.

8. Twist each ball into a candy wrapper or cellophane; plastic wrap can be used.

9. Store in an airtight container.

10. Variation: Use half ground cinnamon and half ground ginger instead of the 1 teaspoon cinnamon.


