Apple Chipotle Roast Chicken

Apple Chipotle Roast Chicken

1. Chop chipotles into tiny pieces.

2. Mix chipotles, cheese, applesauce and half of the lime juice in small bowl.

3. Loosen skin over breasts on each chicken with your finger to create pockets (do not peel back).

4. Stuff the chipotle/cheese mixture in each "pocket" of the chicken.

5. Mix reserved adobo sauce and remaining lime juice together.

6. Baste each chicken with the sauce.

7. Put chickens in the refrigerator, 1-3 hours.

8. Pour 250mL/1 cup of rice into cavity of each bird.

9. Put 1 peeled apple into the cavity of each bird.

10. Place chickens in roasting pan, cover and put into preheated 350F degree oven.

11. After 1/2 hour, remove cover, baste and replace in oven, turn temperature down to 325°F.

12. Baste every half hour (very important), skin will become very dark.

13. Try to squeeze some of the fluid behind the apple so the rice gets the moisture as well.

14. Cook 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours depending on oven and size of chickens.

15. Remove from oven.

16. Discard apple, scoop out rice. Rice will be al dente.

17. **The cheese mixture is VERY spicy, you can either scrape it off (Chicken will be flavoured throughout) or slice the chicken thin, with a little of the mixture of each slice. You can also pull this chicken and serve on tortillas.


