Apple Pies Made In A Muffin Pan

Apple Pies Made In A Muffin Pan

1. Filling:

2. Bring all ingredients to the boil, reduce heat and simmer til cooked.

3. Cool and refrigerate til needed.

4. Shortcrust pastry:

5. Cream butter and sugar well.

6. Beat eggs and vanilla and add to the butter mixing well.

7. Sift dry ingredients and mix into butter until soft dough forms.

8. Roll dough out thinly and cut out 12 x 6 inch rounds to line muffin pan.

9. Spoon equal amounts of apple filling into dough rounds.

10. Grate remaining dough on top of apple mixture and bake at 350F for 25mins.

11. Switch off stove and leave tartlets in for a further 5 minutes.

12. Remove from stove and leave to cool until cold IN THE PAN before removing.

13. Dredge with icing sugar and serve with cream if so desired.


