Apple Turnovers

Apple Turnovers

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Pastry.

3. 1. Combine flour, salt and mix.

4. 2. Cut lard into the flour/salt mix until it looks like peas.

5. 3. Add very cold water and mix, being careful not to over knead.

6. 4. Shape into a ball and cut in half, this makes it easier to work with.

7. 5. Flatten the dough out thinly, and cut into squares approximately 4 to 5 inches square.

8. Filling.

9. 1. Add diced apple to middle of the square, sprinkle with sugar and grate the cinnamon over top.

10. 2. Fold one corner to the other and pinch the edges to seal the pastry.

11. 3. Spread the melted butter thinly over top, sprinkle sugar and grate more cinnamon on top.

12. 4. Place turnovers on a non stick cookie sheet and into the oven at 350 degrees for approximately 30 minutes.


