April Fools' Day Cauliflower Milkshake

April Fools' Day  Cauliflower Milkshake

1. Fry onion, celery, garlic, bay leaf in a saucepan over medium heat until the onion is translucent (about 8 minutes).

2. Add in cauliflower, water and stock.

3. Bring to boil and lower heat.

4. Cover and simmer until cauliflower is fork-tender (about 10 minutes).

5. Allow soup to cool slightly and discard bay leaf.

6. Puree soup until smooth with either a handblender or in batches in a blender.

7. If you're making this ahead of time, allow soup to cool for 30 minutes then place in refrigerator, uncovered, in an airtight container until cold.

8. Soup may now be covered and refrigerated for 2 days.

9. Strain soup into clean saucepan,stir in cream and heat over medium heat, stirring often, until it's steaming.

10. Serve in heat proof glasses or milkshake containers.


