Arafura Pumpkin 'Curry'

Arafura Pumpkin 'Curry'

1. Dry fry the spices in a wok for a couple of minutes before adding the oil and then the onion.

2. Saute the onion for a couple of minutes.

3. Add the pumpkin, the lemon grass and stir fry for a couple of minutes.

4. Crumble the'chicken' stock cube into the mix, and the coconut powder.

5. Add water and mix well.

6. Allow to cook for a few minutes so that the water slightly reduces and the pumpkin starts to become cooked.

7. Add the capsicum and zucchini and allow to cook until these are slightly tender.

8. Fish out the lemongrass or at least warn the family to fish out the lemongrass!

9. Serve with rice.


