Arrachera (Skirt Steak Tacos)

Arrachera (Skirt Steak Tacos)

1. Pound the skirt steak until it's flat or instead, ask the butcher to run it through the machine that flattens it out. Doing this works best.

2. Season meat with Adobo, Cumin, and Pico de Gallo. I use the Adobo that has Cumin already in it and it works great.

3. Rub seasoning into the meat.

4. Layer meat, onions, and garlic in a deep pan or bowl and cover with beer by placing portion of meat on the bottom, top with onions (sliced so that it forms rings), chopped garlic, then repeat until all meat is used. Fill with beer of choice until everything is covered.

5. Let sit for several hours or overnight.

6. Cook meat on grill.

7. Serve with heated corn tortillas and what ever taco toppings you prefer.


