Asian Beef Tikka

Asian Beef Tikka

1. Add soy sauce, serrano chilis, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, & turmeric powder in the blender or food processor. Grind it up into a paste for about one minute.

2. Pour the paste in a large mixing bowl.

3. Add the ground beef to the paste and mix it in as thoroughly and evenly as possible. The meat will take on a brown color from the paste mix.

4. Turn on the electric grill and let it heat up for about five minutes. While it is heating, take the meat and roll out little sausages. 1 lb of beef should make about one dozen little tikka sausages.

5. When the grill is preheated and ready, place the tikka sausages on it. Let it cook on the grill for about 7 minutes or long enough for the tikka to cook completely.

6. Place the tikka in a casserole dish with a lid to keep it hot, or serve it immediately.

7. Use the cup of yogurt as a dip for the tikka. Toasted bread, roti, or any flat bread goes well with tikka. You can use not only yogurt, but ketchup and other dressings as dipping sauces.


