Asian Pork Roast

Asian Pork Roast

1. You'll need 2 heavy-duty large plastic bags; place one inside the other, then place roast inside inner bag.

2. In bowl, combine all other roast ingredients and mix well; pour over the roast in the bag.

3. Press out any air, tie it up with a twist-tie or elastic band, and place in a large bowl and stash in your fridge.

4. Marinate for about 6 hours, occasionally squishing bag to make sure all the meat gets contact with the marinade; you can get away with 3 to 4 hours though.

5. Preheat oven to 325F degrees.

6. Remove roast from bag, discarding marinade.

7. Place roast on a rack in a roasting pan and roast until pork reaches internal temp of 170F (75C) and juice is no longer pink-- about 3 hours.

8. Let stand for about 15 minutes before carving to allow juices to settle back into meat.

9. To make the sauce, combine all sauce ingredients in a small saucepan and heat over medium heat until jelly melts.

10. Stir well and serve with pork.


