Asian Style Beef Salad

Asian Style Beef Salad

1. Trim fat from steak. Place on the unheated rack of a broiler pan. Broil 3 to 4 inches from the heat for 12 to 15 minutes or to desired doneness (160 degrees F for medium doneness). Let steak stand for 5 minutes. Cut across the grain into thin bite-size strips.

2. Meanwhile, in a medium mixing bowl stir together jalapeno pepper, lime peel, lime juice, soy sauce, cilantro, sesame oil, sugar, and garlic. Stir in beef. Marinate in the refrigerator for 2 to 8 hours.

3. To serve, in a salad bowl toss together napa cabbage and/or bok choy, sweet pepper or pea pods, and green onions. Stir beef mixture; arrange in center of cabbage mixture.


