Asian Style Braised Chicken Salad

Asian Style Braised Chicken Salad

1. Warm the vegetable oil in a saucepan, add the garlic and pepper and fry gently until aromatic and the garlic is lightly coloured. Add the rest of the braising stock ingredients. Simmer uncovered for 30 minutes.You should have 2 cups of stock remaining. Strain.

2. Meanwhile rub the chicken legs with the extra soy sauce.

3. Heat the extra oil in a large frying pan and fry the chicken, turning, until browned all over. Remove the chicken pieces.

4. Drain the excess oil, then wipe the pan clean with kitchen paper.Return the chicken pieces to the frying pan and pour over the boiling braising stock.Cover and simmer for 40-50 minutes or until tender-turn a couple of times during cooking.

5. Remove the pan from heat and remove cooked chicken from braising liquid (reserve).

6. Add the prepared noodles to the liquid.and set aside while you assemble the salad.

7. Scatter the leaves on a large platter, arrange remaining ingredients over the top. Remove the chicken meaqt from the bone and roughly chop-place the meat on the top of the salad. Drain the noodles and serve along with the salad.


