Asparagus And Emmenthaler Tart

Asparagus And Emmenthaler Tart

1. Preheat oven to 350°F

2. Snap coarse ends off asparagus stalks leaving spears about 3 1/2-inches long. (Save the trimmed-off ends to use for soup.)

3. Peel the asparagus spears using a swivel-bladed vegetable peeler, lay them flat in a large heavy skillet, pour in boiling salted water (the 4 teaspoons) and set over moderate heat.

4. Cover and cook asparagus for about 10 minutes, until very tender.

5. Drain well, return to the skillet and shake over moderate heat for 30 seconds or so to dissipate any excess moisture.

6. Arrange the asparagus spears like the spokes of a wheel over the bottom of the pie crust, with their tips pointing toward the center.

7. Combine the milk, cream, eggs, Parmesan cheese, Kirschwasser, salt, dill, mace and pepper, and pour the liquid evenly over the asparagus.

8. Bake the tart, uncovered, for 35 minutes, or until the filling has set.

9. Remove the tart from the oven and cool it for at least 20 minutes before cutting.


