Auld Alliance: Potted French Blue Cheese And Scotch Whisky Pate

Auld Alliance: Potted French Blue Cheese And Scotch Whisky Pate

1. Add the blue cheese to a pestle and mortar or a large bowl and pound to a smooth paste.

2. Now add the whisky drop by drop, and stir into the creamed blue cheese.

3. Continue adding whisky for as long as it is still incorporated into the cheese (or as much as the blue cheese can drink!) and it makes a firm cream.

4. Season with freshly ground black pepper to taste and pack into ramekins.

5. Chill well before serving and serve either as an unusual pâté for a starter or as a savoury dish to end a meal.

6. Serve with toast, crackers, water biscuits or oatcakes, and fresh watercress.


