Authentic Falafels, The Good For You Way!

Authentic Falafels, The Good For You Way!

1. Throw the onion and garlic (peeled!) in a food processor until they're chopped.

2. Drain chickpeas and give them a wash, then add them to food processor. Pulse until mashed -- but not to mushy!

3. Scrape the onion/garlic/chickpeas mix into a large bowl and add all remaining ingredients.

4. Mix until completly blended.

5. The mix should be thick but not too stiff.

6. Grease a non-stick pan and drop mixture in tablespoon sized 'blobs' into the pan.

7. Cook on each side for a few minutes -- until browned and slightly crunchy- then flip.

8. Continue until all mix is cooked.


10. P.S: the final product will be a bit crumbly but it doesn't matter -- they're so delicious!


