1. Have the pork butts ground coarse and place in a large pan. 2. Crush the kernals of garlic with the salt, by using the blade of a knife to mash the garlic fine. 3. Add the finely mashed garlic and the other above ingredients to the pork butts. 4. Mix it well. 5. If possible, allow the mixtures to remain overnight in the refrigerator. 6. Fill the casings with the meat mixture after washing the casings out with water. 7. To cook, place sausage in pot with water, bring to boil. 8. Skim, cover and simmer for about 45 minutes. 9. Remove form water. 10. Place in oven for additional browning at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes. 11. The uncooked sausage can also be placed in plastic bags and frozen for later use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------