Authentic Manicotti &Amp; Cannelloni

Authentic Manicotti &Amp; Cannelloni

1. Marinara:

2. Heat oil. Add onions and garlic and cook until soft, but not brown.

3. Add tomatoes, paste, basil, sugar, salt and pepper. Reduce heat low, simmer partially covered, 40 minutes. Stir occasionally.

4. Press through sieve. Season to taste.

5. Crepes:

6. Mix eggs and milk and beat well.

7. Add flour a little at a time with a whisk.

8. Butter 6” fry pan. Place a little batter in pan and swirl until bottom is covered. Cook on one side until dry. Butter pan as needed.

9. Cheese filling (Manicotti):

10. Mix together all ingredients.

11. Meat filling (Cannelloni or Ravioli):

12. Melt butter in skillet, cook onions 7-8 minutes.

13. Add meat, cook until liquid cooks away. Take off the heat. Place in bowl.

14. Stir in spinach and cheese. Add eggs (beaten) to mixture. Season.

15. Besciamella (white sauce):

16. Melt butter over moderate heat. Remove from heat and whisk in flour.

17. Pour in cream and milk all at once. Whisk until flour is partially dissolved. Return to heat and cook until sauce comes to boil and is smooth.

18. Simmer, low, 2-3 minutes, season.

19. Assembly:

20. Heat the oven to 375ËšF.

21. Fill crepes with filling.

22. Place film of tomato sauce into baking dishes. Lay manicotti side by side on sauce.

23. Pour besciamella over and spoon rest of tomato sauce on top.

24. Scatter on cheese and dot with butter.

25. Bake 20 – 25 minutes, until cheese is melted and sauce bubbling.


