Autumn Stew With Thyme Dumplings

Autumn Stew With Thyme Dumplings

1. Preheat oven to 300°F.

2. In a dutch oven, sweat the onion, the leek and the garlic together on medium heat.

3. Add the vegetables, the kidney beans,the broth, the juniper berries, the rosemary. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Put the lid on and bake for 2 hours.

5. Raise oven temperature to 350°F Remove pot from the oven.

6. In a bowl, mix the flour, the baking powder, the salt and the thyme. Add the margarine and mix until crumbly. Add the water and mix until it's combined together.

7. Divide dough into 20 little balls, roll them and put them over the stew. Cover with the lid and return to oven for 30 minutes. DO NOT REMOVE THE LID IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE DURING COOKING PROCESS.


