Aviyal - Indian Mixed Vegetable Stew

Aviyal - Indian Mixed Vegetable Stew

1. In a small amount of water, cook vegetables until almost done.

2. Grind together the coconut, chili,and cumin seeds using just a little water to accomplish this. You should end up with a paste.

3. Add yogurt, tumeric and salt to the spice paste and mix well.

4. Turn heat on the vegetables to low and add the yogurt mix to the vegetables. A low heat keeps the yogurt from curdling. If it curdles, it's OK. You can still eat it. It just won't look as nice.

5. Heat the vegetable or coconut oil in a small pan. When hot add the mustard seeds. Cook until they pop.

6. Add mustard seeds and the oil they were cooked in as well as the curry leaves to the vegetables.

7. Serve over rice.

8. If you have them, toss some spicy banana chips (not sweet ones) on top.


