Bacon Scholle Potato Salad - Speck-Scholle Zu Kartoffelsalat

Bacon Scholle Potato Salad - Speck-Scholle Zu Kartoffelsalat

1. Wash potatoes; cook 20 minutes in boiling water.

2. Chop onion; thinly slice cucumber and radish; finely cut chives.

3. Heat oil; cook onion with about 5 ounces of water, the vegetable bouillon, and the vinegar until the liquid dissolves.

4. Make a marinade with onions, mustard, salt and pepper to taste, chives, and mustard seeds.

5. Drain potatoes; peel and slice while warm.

6. Mix potatoes with cucumber, radishes, and marinade mix; allow to sit 20 minutes.

7. Dice bacon; season with salt and pepper and dredge in flour.

8. Heat up butter and brown bacon; remove from pan.

9. Place fish in pan and add bacon and capers; cook fish 5-6 minutes per side on low heat, covered, or until fish flakes easily with fork.

10. Arrange fish on plate with some potato salad.


