Bacon-Flavoured Mashed Potatoes

Bacon-Flavoured Mashed Potatoes

1. Please note that this is a forgiving recipe--use the amounts of butter and milk that you wish, and adding an extra potato won't throw it off.

2. Also, the celery adds a great flavour, but if you want to leave it out add a little extra onion to make up the difference.

3. Place chopped potatoes in a large pot, cover with lightly salted cold water and bring to a boil; cook until tender, about 20 minutes.

4. Drain potatoes, then return to pot.

5. Meanwhile, while potatoes are boiling, heat 2 tbsp of the butter in a skillet; add chopped veggies and saute until soft, about 5 minutes.

6. Add veggies to cooked potatoes, along with the remaining butter.

7. With a handheld potato masher, mash well.

8. Slowly add milk, mashing well until potatoes reach desired consistency.

9. Stir in crumbled bacon and parsley.

10. Taste; add salt and pepper if needed.


