

1. Put all the ingrediants in the row of the list above into you kneeding machine (i use kitchen aid) and kneed until you have a soft ball of dough. It might be possible that you need to add a little flour or water.

2. Let the dough rise for one hour at a warm place.

3. On a surface lightly covered with flour, form a dough roll and cut it into 8 pieces.

4. Roll a ball from every piece, print a hole into it (use the end og a wooden kitchen spoon) and hold on circular movements until the hole is about 4 cm in diameter.

5. Put the bagels onto a baking tray and let rise for 30 minutes.

6. In a largar pan (like one you use for cooking pasta) bring water to boil.

7. Put the bagels, top above, into the cooking water, turn the heat down and simmer for 30 seconds.

8. Turn the bagels and let simmer for 30 seconds on the down side.

9. Take them out and put them on a plate to drain leftover water.

10. Put seeds on top, like sesame, poppy, sunflower, etc.

11. Bake on baking tray at 220°C for 20 minutes.

12. Note: Add 4 ts of sugar and 1 ts of cinnimon to the dough and sprinkel with caster sugar or chocolate flakes.

13. Or: Add 4 ts of your favorite jam to the dough and sprinkel with caster sugar.


