Baked Avocado Starter

Baked Avocado Starter

1. Slice each avocado into half,and remove the stone. Scrape the flesh into a bowl leaving the half-cases intact.

2. Mash the avocado flesh until a few lumps remain.

3. Dice and gently fry the bacon until crispy, then add to the mixture with two thirds of the cheese, with pepper to taste.

4. Mix well and fill the avocado cases with the cheese,avocado and bacon mixture.

5. Place on top the remainder of the cheese thinly on top of the avocados.

6. Thinly slice the tomatoes; place a slice on top of each avocado half, on top of the cheese.

7. Bake in a preheated oven on gas mark 6 for 30 minutes.

8. Serve with green salad,.

9. Enjoy!


