Baked Beet Salad

Baked Beet Salad

1. Preheat oven to 400F degrees.

2. Wash beets and trim, but do NOT peel.

3. Wrap beets in foil"packages", keeping similar-sized beets together and keeping all packages a single layer.

4. Place packages directly on oven rack and bake for 1 hour; beets should be tender when poked with a knife.

5. Remove from oven, open packages, and let beets cool until you can touch them.

6. Once cool, peel and dice; place diced beets in large serving bowl.

7. In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredients to make dressing; taste and add salt if you wish.

8. Toss diced beets with dressing and serve; may be refrigerated but bring back to room temperature before serving.


