Baked Chayotes

Baked Chayotes

1. Cook chayotes in water with salt.

2. Drain.

3. Halve chayotes horizontally carefully so as not to tear outer peel at this stage.

4. Scoop out the pulp, discard pit and keep the hollowed out halves.

5. Dice the scooped out chayote pulp and mix with onion, cheese and salt to taste if needed.

6. Fill in the chayote halves with previous mixture.

7. (Optional-- if scooping out pulp and watching out for not tearing outer peel sounds like much bother, just scoop out, discard peel, mash, and proceed with rest of recipe).

8. Place in a previoulsy greased pan.

9. Sprinkle with bread crumbs, cinnamon, and sugar.

10. Bake on high temperature until bread crumbs are browned.


