Baked Onion Fans

Baked Onion Fans

1. Preheat the oven to 350.

2. Brush off any loose pieces of skin, but otherwise leave the onions unpeeled.

3. Cut the onions in half from the root end through the stem.

4. Place the halves, cut side down, in a glass baking dish just large enough to hold them comfortably.

5. Pour the vinegar over the onions sand cover the dish tightly with foil.

6. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until the onions are fork tender.

7. When they are cool enough to handle, remove the skins but be sure to leave the roots intact.

8. Cut each onion half in half again to make quarters.

9. Place the onion quarters in a shallow dish, cover and refrigerate until serving time.

10. Before serving, fan the layers of each onion quarter slightly.

11. Serve at room temperature or slightly warm, sprinkled with pepper.


