Baked Pasta With White Mushroom Sauce

Baked Pasta With White Mushroom Sauce

1. Heat olive oil in a pan and fry onion, spring onions and garlic lightly.

2. Add flour and fry it for a few seconds before adding milk, pepper and salt.

3. Then add sliced mushrooms.

4. Then add 1/2 of the diced ham or sausage and cook sauce for 2 minutes Brush the bottom of a baking tray (3"high) with a little olive oil.

5. Spread 1/2 the white sauce in the tray Layer the other 1/2 of the sausage or ham over the white sauce.

6. Layer boiled pasta and the rest of the white sauce over this.

7. Finally sprinkle cheese small pieces of butter over the last layer.

8. Bake till cheese turns slightly golden in an oven with moderate heat.


