Baked Pizza Spaghetti

Baked Pizza Spaghetti

1. Cook whole box of spaghetti, dice onion, green peppers and any hot peppers you like, heat oil the add italian seasoning, garlic, onions, green peppers and mushrooms saute until cooked. Brown ground beef and italian sausage until done. Drain spahetti, mix all ingredients except cheese i a large bowl or pan. Once mixed well place a layer into a baking pan enough to cover the bottom of the pan them sprinkle with cheese, add another layer and cover with foil. Bake at 450 degrees for about 45 mins, remove foil place remainder of cheese and let bake until brown. I like to use a large disposiable baking pan just make sure to place something under it as this is very heavy. You and mix and place in freezer bags and bake later and only use half of this reciepe.


