Baklava With Dandelion Blossom Syrup

Baklava With Dandelion Blossom Syrup


2. Combine nuts with sugar and spices and melt butter.

3. Layer 8 sheets fillo into a buttered 9x13 pan, brushing every other sheet with butter using a pastry brush. Sprinkle evenly with 1/2 of the nut mixture.

4. Repeat step 2.

5. Layer the rest of the fillo sheets, brush the top layer generously with butter.

6. Cut carefully into 30 squares with a sharp knife before baking.

7. Bake at 375 for about one-half hour. when slightly browned, remove from oven.

8. Pour 3/4 cup room temperature Dandelion Blossom syrup over the hot baklava, cool and serve.


10. Put blossoms and water in a pot and bring just to a boil, turn off heat, cover, and let sit overnight.

11. The next day, strain and press liquid out of spent flowers.

12. Add sugar and sliced citrus and heat slowly, stirring now and again, for several hours or until reduced to a thick, honey-like syrup. Makes 1 pint.


