Balsamic Tofu Or Chicken And Bright Veggie Pasta

Balsamic Tofu Or Chicken And Bright Veggie Pasta

1. Marinate chicken in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons balsamic with 1 tablespoon of the grill seasoning. You can marinate it just while you prep the other veggies or about 20min, but the longer the beter.

2. Saute onion and garlic with olive oil on medium heat until onion is soft.

3. Add the bell pepper and let it soften a bit, stirring often

4. Go ahead and put the water to boil for the pasta and heat a bit of olive oil and cook the chicken thoroughly (a lid helps keep it moist) pouring the excess marinade on top. About 5 min on each side on med-high heat. If using tofu, wait until the pasta sauce in step 5 simmers down a bit since it will cook faster than chicken.

5. While chicken cooks, add the canned tomatoes, olives, veggie stock, 1 tablespon balsamic, and the wine to the onions and peppers. Let it simmer to thin sauce while chicken and pasta cook.

6. Be sure to start the pasta when you think it will finish in time with the chicken OR just plan on putting foil over the chicken to keep it hot while the pasta cooks. "People wait on pasta, pasta doesn't wait on people" as my Italian friends tell me. :P.

7. When the pasta is nearly done, stir the spinach into the sauce mix just until it wilts in nicely.

8. Serve with chicken sliced over the pasta, add parmesean cheese if desired.


