Banana Bran Muffins

Banana Bran Muffins

1. Coat a 12 cup muffin tray with cooking spray.

2. Beat egg whites and sugar for one minute in a medium sice mixing bowl.

3. Stear bicarb soda into apple sauce (it will froth) then add to bowl with banana, cinnamon and milk.

4. In another mixing bowl mix flour and bran.

5. Gently fold the flour-bran mixture to the other mixture in one go. Do NOT beat as this will make the muffins tough. ;).

6. Once mixtures are combined ( can look a bit lumpy :P) spoon equally into prepared muffin tins.

7. Bake about 20 minutes or until firm to touch in centre.

8. Allow muffins to sit in tin fo r5 minutes before turning into a wire rack to cool.

9. For people who like banana and chocolate (like me) can mix chocolate chips in step 3 or 5, but before spoon into muffin tins. It tast awsome! But of corse try yourself and combine muffins with different stuff.


