Banana - Chestnut Tartlets W-Puff Pastry

Banana - Chestnut Tartlets W-Puff Pastry

1. Bring sugar & water to a boil in a med saucepan over med heat. Brush any undissolved crystals down the side of the pot w/a wet pastry brush. Swirl the mixture (do not stir) in the pan & simmer till it takes on a light amber color. Remove from heat.

2. Place puff pastry circles on a parchment lined baking sheet. Turn in the perimeter of each to form a thick ring that will hold in the fruit mixture.

3. Place bananas & chestnuts inside ea tartlet, forming a concentric circle w/the bananas.

4. Drizzle ea tartlet with 2 1/2 tbsp of the caramel & sprinkle w/a sml amt of added sugar.

5. Bake in a preheated oven at 375 F for about 25 min, till the bananas are softened, the caramel is a deep brown & the puff pastry is golden. Remove from the oven, cool slightly & serve.


