Banana Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast

Banana Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast

1. To make the filling: Mash cream cheese, banana, sugar, and vanilla.

2. Slice bread in half and make little "half sandwiches" with the filling inside.

3. Next, beat the eggs, milk, and salt in a seperate bowl.

4. Heat butter in a skillet over medium heat.

5. Dip the little half-sandwiches in the egg/milk mixture and place in the skillet.

6. I cook 4 little half-sandwiches at a time for 3 minutes on the first side and 2 on the second until they are golden brown on each side.

7. Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar and top with raspberries and whipped cream!

8. Note: To keep them warm while I cook the rest, I keep them in a warm oven as they get done. Also, be sure to add more butter each time you put new sandwiches in the pan.


