Banana Pecan Beignets

Banana Pecan Beignets

1. Melt butter in skillet on medium heat. Add brown sugar and heat, stirring constantly to dissolve, about 1 minute. Add pecans and continue to cook 1 minute. Add bananas and vanilla, cook 1 minute. Remove from heat.

2. Make a batter by combining beaten eggs, milk, cane syrup, cinnamon, and baking powder. Add the flour, 1/4 cup at the time, beating and incorporating until all is used and the batter is smooth.Add the banana mixture to the batter and fold to mix.

3. Heat the oil to 360 degrees F. Drop the batter by a heaping tablespoon at a time, into the hot oil. When the beignets pop to the surface, roll them around with a slotted spoon in the oil to brown them evenly.once they are light brown Remove and drain on paper towels. they may burn quickly.

4. Sprinkle the beignets with powdered sugar. Serve the beignets warm. enjoy ^_^.


