Barbecued Garlic Chicken

Barbecued Garlic Chicken

1. Cut the chicken in half lengthways, and if you like, remove the bones with a small pointed knife, leaving only the wing bones.

2. If using chicken pieces, proceed directly to step 2.

3. Crush the garlic with the salt to a smooth paste.

4. Coarsely crush the peppercorns in a motar and pestle or a blender.

5. Combine in a flat dish with the coriander, and the lime juice.

6. Rub the mixture into the cicken on all sides, cover and refrigerate overnight, or at least an hour.

7. However, this recipe tastes better if refrigerated over night.

8. Barbecue the chicken halves or chicken pieces, turning the chicken every 5 minutes or so, until the chicken is no longer pink and the skin is crisp.

9. If the weather does not permit, you can cook under a grill, (broiler) or in the oven.

10. To serve the boned chicken, diagonally slice the chicken skin side up and place on a serving platter.

11. If using chicken pieces arrange the pieces on a serving platter.

12. Garnish with halved cherry tomatoes and curls of spring (green) onions.

13. Serve with a salad of sliced tomatoes, sliced cucumber and spring (green) onions which have been seasoned with lime juice and salt only.

14. A side dish of steamed rice goes well with this dish.


