Barriball Fruitcake

Barriball Fruitcake

1. Place mixed fruit and orange juice in a bowl and leave to soak over night or longer if needed.

2. Preheat oven to 170°C.

3. Once the orange juice has soaked in, add the self raising flour, spices and vanilla essence.

4. Mix thoroughly.

5. Line a medium cake tin with baking paper and spoon in the mixture. Level out the top and place in the oven for 1.5 hrs, or until the skewer comes out clean.

6. Remove from oven and cool on cake cooler.

7. I cut my cake up into 10 rows of 4 slices. I put 4 slices together in plastic sandwich bags and freeze so I only need to take out a few slices at a time.

8. Is yummy with custard poured over for a dessert too.


