Baz'S Beef Rendang

Baz'S Beef Rendang

1. Heat oil in wok, or large pan.

2. Add onions and cook over medium heat until soft (about 5 minutes should do).

3. Add "Ingredients 1" and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes, stirring to prevent from sticking. Add a little of the water to make a paste.

4. Add the meat and stir until it is browned.

5. Add "Ingredients 2", stir and bring to the boil, stirring occasionally.

6. Lower heat and simmer covered until meat is tender (Remove lid for a while and reduce the sauce until thicker, if you wish, towards the end of cooking time.) Alternatively, transfer to a slow cooker and cook for hours and hours.

7. Serve over jasmine or coconut rice.


