Bean Sprouts And Fruit Salad

Bean Sprouts And Fruit Salad

1. Cut the baby tomatoes into two.

2. Peel the oranges, separate the segments, remove the pips and slice them.

3. Cube the pineapple slices.

4. Peel mango, cut into cubes.

5. Soak apricots in warm water for few hours, if dry, or else, wash and use as such.

6. Cut apple and peaches into cubes.

7. Put all the above in a salad bowl.

8. Add lettuce leaves, baby tomatoes and bean sprouts.

9. Prepare the dressing by mixing together olive oil, vinegar, salt, peppercorns and fresh orange juice.

10. Just before serving, add the dressing to the bean sprouts and fruit mixture.

11. Serve.


