Bedfordshire Clangers

Bedfordshire Clangers

1. To make pastry, combine flour and salt in a bowl. Cut suet into flour until it resembles coarse crumbs. Mix water in with a fork, a bit at a time, until it becomes a soft dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use.

2. Melt butter in pan over medium heat and saute onion, steak, and kidneys (or mushrooms) until onions are soft and meats are browned. Season to taste with salt & pepper.

3. Remove pastry from refrigerator. Divide into fourths. Roll each fourth out on lightly floured surface into a rectangle. Cut a strip from a short side and place down the middle of the rectangle to make two sections.

4. On one half of each rectangle, spread the meat mixture. On the other half, place the apples, raisins, and sugar.

5. Carefully roll up pastry jelly-roll style. Moisten the ends and seal. Wrap loosely in greased foil and place in a large saucepan.

6. Cover with boiling water and simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Check water level occasionally, adding additional boiling water as needed.

7. May be served hot or at room temperature. You can also make one great one and share it (as the original recipe stated), with gravy and vegetables for the savoury side and a custard sauce for the sweet.


