Beef And Broccoli

Beef And Broccoli

1. Cut beef into thin slices 2" x 1/2" and soak in marinade for 10-15 minutes at room temperature.

2. Cut up broccoli in flowerettes and stem into thin pieces.

3. Heat wok(or skillet) to med high temperature Add 1 T oil. Place slice of ginger in oil and cook until browned; flavor is now in oil; ginger can be removed.

4. Add broccoli immediately and stir fry 1-2 minutes.

5. When broccoli is 3/4 done, remove from pan and set aside in warm place.

6. Heat wok again, add 2 T oil and stir fry beef.

7. When beef is 3/4 done, add broccoli, any leftover marinade.

8. Add the finishing touch ingredients.

9. Stir this mixture into beef and broccoli and cook until gravy thickens.

10. Add a few drops of sesame oil and serve.


