Beef And Kidney Casserole, With Unusual Seasonings

Beef And Kidney Casserole, With Unusual Seasonings

1. Preheat oven to 350 deg F/180 deg C, but you might want a lower heat for convection ovens.

2. If using lamb kidneys, make sure the kidneys are clean and the outer "skin" have been peeled of. Cut each kidney into 2 - 3 chunks and remove the tough white bit.

3. Use a tender meat such as rump steak, and cut into larger-than-bite-size chunks.

4. Mix your choice of seasoning salt (about 2 heaped tablespoons) into the flour. Roll the meat chunks in flour.

5. Peel and roughly chop the onion, and prepare the garlic.

6. Put the meats, onion and garlic into a casserole dish, and sprinkle over the Worcestershire sauce, and add the chopped onion.

7. Pour over the cup (or slightly more) of beer.

8. Cover lightly with foil, and bake for about 1 1/2 hours.

9. Drain and keep the olives ready, as well as the lemon zest. In the meantime, cook brown rice and a veggie to serve, and prepare the following.

10. Fry the 6 anchovy fillets in the oil (which should merely be rubbed into the bottom of a small pan). The anchovy will disintegrate. Add the chopped capers, and stir it all together until you have a sort of paste.

11. Add the olives and lemon zest to the casserole in the oven about 10 minutes before you take it out.

12. Take out the casserole when ready, and drop in bits of the anchovy-caper mixture, stir in, and sprinkle over the parsley.

13. Serve with rice and a green vegetable.

14. * Do not add salt to this dish unless it's needed when finished. Anchovies and capers are salty.


