Beef Brasciole

Beef Brasciole

1. Dice the onion and shallot finely.

2. Mince the garlic and parsley.

3. Peel and chop the egg, chop olives up into rings if not already done.

4. Finely dice the cheese, salami, and capicola.

5. Lay out the beef and top in layers with the onion, shallot, garlic, parsley, egg, cheese, salami, capicola, olives, and finally pepper on the top.

6. Roll up, stuff back in any filling that falls out and tie each end closed with seam side of roll on bottom.

7. In a dutch oven or large deep pan on stove, heat oil to medium/high.

8. Sear the brasciole with seam side down at first, then when edges turn brown flip and repeat until all sides are seared.

9. Pull off flame and de-glaze by adding wine, put back on and let reduce by half.

10. Reduce temperature to low/medium.

11. Add the sauces and carefully mix as best as you can without breaking rolls, cover and simmer on low heat for 3 hours.

12. You may add some fresh herbs or veggies if desired at this time.

13. To serve, remove the brasciole, remove twine.

14. Give sauce a good final stir and serve with pasta of choice.


