Beef Kebabs With Remoulade Sauce

Beef Kebabs With Remoulade Sauce

1. Cube the meat, discarding any fat.

2. Crush, peel and mash the garlic. Combine garlic, oil and pepper.

3. Peel and cut the onion into 5cm cubes.

4. Deseed and dice the green pepper into 5cm pieces.

5. Thread meat, onion, green pepper and mushroom on to soaked bamboo skewers. Brush each kebab with oil mixture then leave to marinate for 30 minutes.

6. Barbecue on a preheated barbecue until beef is medium rare or as preferred. Serve immediately with Remoulade Sauce.

7. REMOULADE SAUCE: Beat egg yolks until pale then start beating in the oil drop by drop. As the mixture thickens the oil can be added in a thin stream, but do not add too quickly or mixture will curdle.

8. Stir in the lemon juice, capers, gherkins, mustard, tarragon and parsley.

9. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


