Beef N Veg Cabbage Rolls

Beef N Veg Cabbage Rolls

1. In a frying pan, fry up the ground beef, drain any access fat. Add in all the seasonings and veggies with the water, fry for 10 minutes on medium heat. Set aside.

2. Boil cabbage leaves for 3 minutes. Take out to cool. Scoop filling on leaf and fold up and place in casserole dish.

3. To make the sauce, place all but paste, oil and garlic in the food processor. In a small frying pan, place oil and garlic, fry until soften. Add garlic to tomatoes, blend. Place tomato sauce in pot on the stove on medium heat, simmer for 20 minutes. Add in paste about 15 minutes inches Add more seasoning or sea salt to get the taste you like. Pour over cabbage and bake for 35 minutes at 400°F.


