Beef Pilaf For Adult Dogs By Chefc, C.2009

Beef Pilaf For Adult Dogs             By Chefc, C.2009

1. Cook the rice. Set aside while cooking the beef.

2. Saute the beef in oil until brown and fully-cooked.

3. In a large bowl, combine beef, rice, salt, green beans, and opt. oregano.

4. While mixing, add broth as needed to moisten.

5. Food safety information:. Check temperature of food before serving so that it is not too hot. Warm each serving of food before feeding to a minimum of 180 degrees F for two minutes, then cool to a safe temperature before feeding. Store all food in a clean air-tight container in the refrigerator for a maximum of 7 days. After 7 days in the refrigerator, discard the food. Food can be frozen using the Food-Saver machine method, in individual serving sizes. Frozen food is good for up to six months in the freezer. To serve a frozen serving, thaw inside its bag overnight in the refrigerator. Never thaw food at room temperature. After thawing heat the food to a minimum of 180 degrees for two minutes. Check temperature before feeding so that it is not too hot for your dog to eat.


