Beef Rolls

Beef Rolls

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees.

2. Melt the butter in a large saute pan and fry the bacon and mushrooms for 3 minutes; put into medium size bowl; do not wash saute pan as you will use it again for Step 7.

3. Add to mushroom mixture, the chopped parsley, lemon rind and juice, bread crumbs, and seasoning.

4. Spread an equal amount of the bread crumb mixture evenly over the beef slices, leaving a narrow border clear around the edges.

5. Put flour onto dinner size plate and mix paprika into flour.

6. Roll up the slices and tie securely with fine string, then dip the beef rolls in the flour/paprika mixture to coat lightly, shaking off any excess flour into a small bowl and RESERVE for thickening later.

7. Heat the oil in the frying pan that you used earlier, saute the beef rolls until lightly browned and set rolls in casserole (that has a lid).

8. Pour into frying pan the beef stock, onions, reserved flour; stir constantly, bring to a boil, stirring, and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

9. Taste test the sauce, add more salt and pepper if needed.

10. Pour the sauce over beef rolls, then cover with tight fitting lid and bake in the oven for 2 hours.

11. Lift out the "rolls" using a slotted spoon and remove the string.

12. Return beef to the sauce and serve hot.


