1. Mix all the sauces and other constituents together in a jug. 2. Cooking:- Take a deep roasting dish e.g. 10 ins x 14 ins x 3 ins deep that will take all your ribs and lay them side by side, ideally filling the bottom of the roasting dish, the more space you have between ribs the greater the sauce will evaporate, which you want to avoid. 3. Pour the sauce over the ribs ensuring that each one has sauce run over it. 4. Cover with tin foil and cook for 4 hours at 180 degrees or Gas Mark 4. 5. After four hours remove foil and drain off the sauce into a jug and place the ribs back into the oven for ten minutes to brown, then remove from oven. 6. The sauce will settle and with some meats a layer of fat will appear on the top, remove the fat. 7. Test the sauce, if it is too concentrated dilute to suit with water. 8. There can be a considerable variation in the flavour and consistency of the sauce depending on which base ingredients are used, especially with commercial Soy and Tomato Sauces. 9. If your oven is tending to run hot, check the sauce to ensure that it is not evaporating after a couple of hours, it is a slow cooking operation at a relatively low temperature and your oven may need turning down. 10. Take the sauce and heat in a pan and thicken with corn flour to make a good visual pouring sauce, not too thin and not too thick, the sauce normally has a superb sheen. 11. You can leave the Zingo’s in a warm oven covered with sauce and covered with tin foil for immediate use. 12. You can also put them in dishes with the sauce and keep them refrigerated, microwave and place in an oven, replate and pour the sauce over before serving. 13. Decorate with fanned warm peach slices and a touch of green herbs. 14. Any Zingo’s not sold can be put in the freezer with the sauce for use on another day. 15. Kitchen Tip:- Any Zingo Sauce left over use for adding to the gravy with the Sunday Joint. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------