Berry Berry Banana Peach Burritos

Berry Berry Banana Peach Burritos

1. Place Strawberries, Blueberries and Peach Slices in a small bowl.

2. Add Grand Marnier, White Wine and Sweetner or Sugar.

3. Gently stir and allow to marinade for up to 1 hour.

4. Place a soft Flour Tortilla on each piece of Aluminum Foil.

5. Place two Banana Halves next to each other on the Tortillas.

6. Spoon the Berry/Peach Mixture over the Bananas and gently roll the tortillas into a Burrito shape.

7. Then roll the foil around the Burritos.

8. Either place the foil-wrapped Burritos over indirect heat on your BBQ Grill or on a cookie tin in your oven at about 350 degrees F for 6-8 minutes .

9. You want the fruit to be warmed and the banana to become fragrant.

10. To Serve Squirt some of each Ice Cream topping on each of two plates.

11. Note: You only want a light drizzle of the sauces.

12. Remove the foil and center a burrito on each plate.

13. Then squirt some of the chocolate some of the caramel sauce on top of the burritos.

14. Again, use a light touch.

15. Place a scoop of ice cream next to each burrito.


