Best French Croissant, French Toast

Best French Croissant, French Toast

1. Begin with cracking open the eggs into a medium size mixing bowl. Take one package of the cream cheese and soften it in the microwave (about 40 seconds). Add the cream cheese to the eggs and beat until smooth; this is your batter for the croissants.

2. For the whipped cream, whip up the whipping cream until it peaks. Add the sugar and beat again until well mixed. Soften the other cream cheese in the microwave for 40 seconds and add to the whipped cream. Beat it all together until smooth; this is your whipped topping.

3. Slice the croissants in half and dip each piece into the batter and put on a skillet until golden brown.

4. Place a dollup of the whipped cream on top of the finished croissant french toast and top with a few strawberries.

5. This will be the best french toast you have ever had.


