Black Truffle Gnocchi

Black Truffle Gnocchi

1. Bring shallots and white wine to a boil in a large sauté pan, slightly reduce heat and cook until reduced by half.

2. Add the butter and cook until melted.

3. Add the truffle oil and stir well, remove from heat and set aside.

4. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, add the gnocchi and cook until done. Before dumping the water remember to reserve the 1/4 cup of water.

5. Place the pan containing the sauce back on a medium-low heat, add pasta water, cheese and gnocchi. Toss until evenly covered and smooth.

6. Add pepper and truffle salt, toss well.

7. Serve in a pasta bowl and top with additional pepper, black sea salt and shaved truffles.


